Monday, April 27, 2009

Ads or Aphrodisiacs

I have been noticing recently that increasing number of products advertised on TV can serve as aphrodisiacs. More and more products seem to be “sensual”. Yet it seems that couples are performing poorly in “those” terms as compared to a few decades ago according to a report I heard on the radio the other day.

I can understand promoting perfumes or clothes or even chocolates, in that way but yesterday I saw one for Italian frozen food! Who knew frozen food is sexy! What’s next? Anti-inflammatory? ;)

TV has been traditionally known to use sex as a selling point for advertising. However I see using sexuality to sell a product that is not related to the former as a mere lack of creativity.

I do appreciate a good Ad that gets the point across without resorting the good old, handy tool of sex. Please feel free to share some good links.

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