Friday, April 17, 2009

Beware of Western Media

Yesterday I was watching a documentary about super human powers on the National Geographic channel on demand. It was a documentary about how different religious and ethical groups have certain beliefs about super human strength and power. It tried to show how some martial art teachers claim that they can make a person collapse by a simple touch, or by throwing “chi” at them in the form of a ball.

They also showed the Sufi mystics piercing sharp objects through body parts and still remain unharmed. Also included in this film were the Hindu sadhus and fortune tellers who fool the rural and scam the urban population for thousands of dollars.

However, subtly and what seemed to be, quite deliberately – if I may accuse so – missed, was another major religious deviation and that is the scam run by some Christian faith healers. God knows what they do to rural populations in under-developed parts of the world.

What I would like to point out is not the actual subject of the documentary but the brilliance with which western media seeps into our finer minds. They don’t even touch upon the subject of the most dominant religion in the western world. The documentary to me seemed, as though it was only picking on what lies to the east of Europe and America.

We as conscious and educated people need to look at the western media with a more than an “open” mind.

To my friends who are media professionals I don’t have to explain how much of an impact a simple act like “exclusion” of an unsuspecting religion can have.


The Wanderer said...

Excellent observation. They keep serving such doses in small measures rather surreptitiously.

Saurabh said...

The above link talks about the Christian version of this practice.

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