Monday, April 6, 2009


Sports - is a sensitive subject for me. Not because I play any kind of sport myself, but I feel offended by the thought that, despite such a huge population that India hosts, we are unable to produce, international quality sportsmen/women – obviously we are not talking cricket here.

I know that all of us have thought about this and felt bad about at one point or another, so, I am not making a brand new statement.

However, I think I can boil the widespread failure of our sports people, down to some very basic reasons and possible solutions.

  • City folk are overburdened by competition starting at a very early age.
  • Pollution probably contributes to the poor health of athletes and sportsmen from urban areas.
  • I think village folk can make excellent athletes and sportsmen. Someone needs to invest in training them.
  • Lack of dedication to a particular sport.
  • Exercise and being fit, has somehow escaped the age-old routines of chores (eg. Taking a bath, doing pooja, eating breakfast etc…) followed by our people.

I strongly feel that people who are pouring loads of money in 20/20 should also concentrate some of their effort towards other sports like soccer, hockey, basketball or athletics.

I am sure that the simple glamour and charm of these rich tycoons, will attract people to watch those other games too.

I also feel that traditional sports like Kabaddi, Malkhamb, Kushti, need to get more media coverage. However, I can understand why these sports don't look glamorous. All they need to do is modify their outfits to portray a modern image.

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