Monday, May 4, 2009

The Autorickshaw Strike and My Mom

I remember a time when the rides in auto rickshaws in Pune were a pleasure. It seemed very easy... you just waved your hand and he would take you wherever you wanted to go. I even remember the time when there were those noisy two-seaters and when the change to a three-seater quieter rickshaw seemed like a luxury.

My mother has always been highly dependent on the rickshaw-wallas. She even claims that sometimes she is not even sure whether or not she told him where to take her and he seemed to have known where to drop her... I am sure, it was just a matter of the unerring habit she has formed over the years.

The rickshaw strike has affected her the most, because she does not drive. She was complaining about it the other day, to me. She said, she has to walk everywhere in the scorching heat, since her banks are only open during the day time.

Although I totally understand the frustration of the people dependent on the rickshaws, I feel that the illusive auto has lost its charm. The drivers have become increasingly rude and obnoxious. I don't understand why they hang around the so called official rickshaw stands if they don't want to do business.

One driver once complained to me because I had my grandparents with me and I had asked him to around the traffic light. He was complaining because it was a one way street and he would have to come all the way around the block to stand in the line of other rickshaws. I fought back by refusing to get off the rickshaw untill he had dropped us off where I had wanted him to. I was mad, because he expected the 80 year olds to walk all the way to save him a minor inconvenience. What a pain!

Somehow I feel a devilish pleasure, when I hear about their hardships due to strike and that they have to resort to shenanigans like giving rides to people on their bikes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree completely. I think, Pune's Autos have lost their charm .. In general Pune is losing its charm as it has NO consideration for people who are dependant on public transport or those who simply walk or those who ride their bicycles.

The drivers (all of them like auto drivers, bus drivers and car or two wheeler drivers) do not care for them. This fraction of people consisting of children, workers, senior citizen and others have NO VALUE in Pune.

Pune's traffic management, too is totally careless about them. The road plans, footpaths, bridges, road signs, signals, crossings, auto fares, bus stops ... the list is unending .. nothing favours these 'ridiculous' people who do not drive something .... SAD !

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