Monday, March 30, 2009

Looking forward to health of India

As more and more Indians find the western life-style, chic and glamorous, it may not be the best choice you will make for your family. The sale of packaged and preserved foods has increased dramatically over the years.

Insistence on home-made food is looked down upon in some societies. We have to be always aware of the fact that we – as Indians – developed a lot of good “organic” habits over the centuries. The food culture and especially the food culture during the religious occasions is a good example of that. Our palette options have quite truly been healthy and modern western research has shown that time and again.

It is sad that we often tend to rely on the west giving us directions as to what is good and not good for you, health wise, when in fact we have a large body of knowledge already in existence in our culture.

Here is a news item that might inspire you.

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