Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Undercover Marketing

I heard a very interesting discussion about undercover marketing on TV the other day and couldn't help but think: I knew somehow that it existed but it was more on the lines of: "They must get paid for saying it... oh come on!.. really? nooo? who gets paid for saying things like that about a product! I am just getting ahead of myself."

But it seems to be a marketing strategy applied by many. It may be a colleague or a relative bragging about a product that they recently started using, or some people (actors) on the street talking about some cool new gadget.

An example of this type of marketing they showed on TV was:
A door man standing at the door with a whole bunch of boxes that appear to be delivered for some people in the building from a company. A man leaves the building early in the morning, greets the doorman and thinks: "Looks like a lot of people order from this company. I should give it a try."
Meanwhile the company has paid the doorman to stand there with those "empty" boxes.

I guess it is a harmless strategy of marketing if the product is good. But something to keep in mind regardless.


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